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5 Health Habits to Start in 2022

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Starting the new year with healthy practices is the first step towards a worry-free future. This 2022, rid yourself of habits that can harm your body and lead to serious complications in the long run. If a healthier lifestyle is new to you, here are some tips to help you achieve your #HealthGoals as well as long-lasting peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Health Tip #1: Eat a healthy diet

Nature has a lot to give us, and we should make the most out of it! Stock up on fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system through vitamins and minerals. A healthy diet will help reduce risks of malnutrition and non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Pro tip: DIY herbal medicine does wonders! You can use lagundi, oregano, malunggay, ginger, garlic, and calamansi to help ease common ailments like cough, colds, sore throat, and fever.

Winning combo: Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. 

Health Tip #2: Be active!

It’s time to get physical! Make sure to set aside a few minutes each day for even the simplest of exercises to boost your physical and mental health. If you need to stay inside or work from home, make sure that you stretch your limbs and stand up every now and then.

Pro tip: If you are spending long periods of time indoors, make sure to have good ventilation so you can breathe fresh air while stretching those muscles.

Exercise ideas: Try taking the stairs! You can also do yoga or buy a standing desk so you can still remain active while working at home.

Health Tip #3: Get vaccinated!

Remember, vaccines work! Let’s do our part in keeping our community safe by getting vaccinated and boosted. Coordinate with your Local Government Unit (LGU) or head to a designated site near you to get your shot. You’ll not only keep you and your family protected against the adverse effects of serious diseases—you’ll also help frontliners and those who are more vulnerable to diseases!

Pro tip: Stay hydrated, get your groceries and relief medications ahead of time, and consult with a medical professional on what to avoid before getting vaccinated.

Health Tip #4: Get tested!

Get an accurate picture of your body’s status by getting tested! Medical or laboratory tests can help you get an idea of how your body is doing. Even if you look and feel healthy, there might be some underlying risks that you don’t know about!

Pro tip: You can get a drive-thru Covid test at 91ÆÞÓÑ! Book your appointment .

Health Tip #5: Have regular check-ups

As the old adage goes, prevention is always better than cure! By scheduling regular check-ups, you can get the right treatment before health problems start. You’ll prevent a lot of complications and the resulting expenses if you start booking check-ups as early as now.

Pro tip: 91ÆÞÓÑ offers various check-up packages! You can get a basic check-up as well as other check-ups designed specifically for male and female health. We also offer telemedicine consultations.

Got questions? Contact us via email at inquiry@worldcitimedicalcenter.com. You can also chat with us at .