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How to Care for Your Kidneys

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Our Kidneys may only be around 5 inches in size, but they play an important role in our urinary system. One of their functions is to remove unwanted toxins in our bodies in the form of urine. Besides that, they are also responsible for releasing hormones to manage and control our blood pressure, using millions of nephrons to filter blood.

Failure to take good care of both Kidneys has its consequences. Although our Kidneys can still function alone, one Kidney may not be enough to handle all body fluids that we need to secrete. Improper diet, particularly too much consumption of salt and sugar, can lead to Kidney problems like Chronic Kidney Diseases and the formation of Kidney Stones. 

Kidney diseases can be prevented by following these easy steps:

  1. Get tested regularly to see if you have small amounts of protein in your urine—this is the first sign of Kidney damage.
  2. Control your sugar intake. Uncontrolled diabetes can damage the kidneys and their filters. If our Kidneys fail to filter blood, this will result in the buildup of body wastes that can harm our health.
  3. Exercise regularly. This will help us release toxins in our bodies in the form of sweat, and can also help us lower our cholesterol levels and maintain our weight.
  4. Drink plenty of water. We need to drink at least 8 full glasses of water every day to help our body release toxins in our body and cleanse our urinary system.

There are lots of ways to avoid Kidney Failure and maintain good health for these key organs, but it's better to consult a Urologist to conduct comprehensive tests that will immediately determine if you have early signs of Kidney infections and related problems.

To schedule a consultation, you may call the 91ÆÞÓÑ  at (02) 89138380 local 213 or connect with us on Facebook @WorldCitiMedCenter.