News And Events

Day 3 Diabetes Awareness Week "Diabetes Complications and Foot Screening"

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Diabetes Awareness Week was successfully held at AVR, 6th floor of the WCC Medical Center on July 28, 2023.
The event focused on the topic of "Diabetes Complications and Foot Screening." It aimed to raise awareness about the potential complications that can arise from diabetes and educate attendees on preventive measures.
We were honored to have Dr. Freyja Ramos, an experienced Endocrinologist, as our guest speaker. With her expertise, she provided valuable insights and practical advice on managing diabetes complications and emphasized the importance of regular foot screenings.
During the event, attendees learned about various complications associated with diabetes, including neuropathy, foot ulcers, and vascular problems. Dr. Ramos highlighted the significance of early detection and prevention through foot screenings.
This event was open to the public, particularly individuals with diabetes or those with loved ones affected by the condition. Attendees gained valuable knowledge and tools to effectively manage their diabetes and reduce the risk of complications.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this successful event. Together, let's continue to beat diabetes!
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